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5 Benefits Of Improving Brain Fitness

You try to stay in great shape and plan for a routine workout schedule. It bolsters your life expectancy and overall wellness, and is, without question, a great idea. Still, far fewer people stop to think about doing the same for their brains, yet it is entirely possible to take control of your brain health, according to the team at Happy Neuron, a testing service that allows users to challenge and improve brain functions and overall mental functions. With Happy Neuron, you can enjoy a number of benefits:

1. Test memory.
Brain games and programs such as the ones offered from Happy Neuron have demonstrated an ability to enhance memory functions. By challenging your brain in fun and non-threatening venues, you will find that it responds better to reality, both past and present.

Turn Your Blog Into Cash

Affiliate marketing is a partnership with other websites. You put a link on your site to their site and get paid for each click, registration and sale. If you use affiliate marketing well, you can generate a high Return on Investment (ROI) with respect to the amount of time and effort invested in your home business blog. Used poorly, however, affiliate marketing can just be a waste of space on your site. Here are some tips on how to use affiliate marketing as more than placeholders.

OXIS - Therapeutic Compounds for Anti aging, antioxidant, glutathione, penny stocks & free radical

OXIS International, Inc. is engaged in the research, development and sale of products that counteract the harmful effects of "oxidative stress."

OXIS is developing and plans to sell Nutraceutical and Cosmecuetical products featuring natural ingredients believed to have beneficial effects on human health. OXIS’ first products will include L-Ergothioneine (ERGO) as a key component. ERGO is a very powerful, multifaceted antioxidant. The remarkable properties of ERGO are described in detail in the Ergothioneine section of this website. OXIS has patented the synthesis process for L-Ergothioneine and has outsourced product manufacturing to a company that can provide ERGO in commercial and GMP produced quantities to meet our product needs.

Can Cognitive Fitness Be a Workout for Your Brain?
There is growing interest to exercise your brain using something called "cognitive fitness."

It's a known fact that exercise and meditation reduce anxiety, ease depression, and give you a general feeling of wellness. Can ideas about the brain be discovered from these practices to help create an emotional fitness tools?

Can biofeedback games like Wild Divine help beginner brains look more like enlightened brains without a lifetime of dedication?

Numerous articles published by the Mayo Clinic Foundation for Education and Research, the New England Journal of Medicine and other resources, cite the importance of regular "brain work-outs" in helping individuals maintain a vital and healthy lifestyle. Solving crossword puzzles, playing card and boardgames , and participating in other mentally challenging tasks, are specifically mentioned as activities that can delay the onset of age-related cognitive problems. A great site for this is AcuityGames.

3 Major Mistakes Made While Making Money With Affiliate Products

Selling affiliate products can make you a lot of money online. The key to selling affiliate is by developing trust with your reader and then convert him into a customer. But many fail to make money from affiliate products because of these mistakes. Here are 3 major mistakes made while making money online with affiliate products: